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Exudative diathesis.
The causes of the disease and its development to date, no complete certainty. The cause of the disease may be the effect of various allergens - mainly food (eggs, milk, cheese, oranges, strawberries, cocoa, chocolate, nuts, etc.) as well as bacterial, medication, etc. - resulting in sensitization of the organism child and the metabolism.
Symptoms: redness on the cheeks, the skin becomes rough and scaly. Later on this site may appear weeping eczema and itching. The child appeared pruritic nodules in red at the joints of the limbs. On the mucous membranes of children suffering from exudative diathesis, often observed inflammation.
The earliest manifestations of a diathesis can be detected in the first months of life - on the face (cheeks, above the eyebrows), on the scalp (in the large fontanelle), there is the so-called cradle cap. He is a brilliant yellow cake, but if they remove the cover, they appear again. Subsequently, on-site crusts often appears moist and dry eczema. And she and the other difficult to treat. Another manifestation of the diathesis is diaper rash with a staunch character, localized diaper rash, usually in the folds (neck, groin, etc.), in the armpits, behind the ears. There is also a manifestation of child include diathesis urticaria, which occurs in children of preschool age. The disease - an undulating. By three years of life manifestations of exudative diathesis usually disappear, but may remain elevated body's sensitivity to those factors, the kid that caused diathesis. Child's rash may be concerned about a child under five - six years of age.
When the disease exudative diathesis is necessary to seek assistance from the district pediatrician! The pediatrician can help detect irregularities in the care of a child in the child's feeding and eliminate them. According to the testimony prescribe medications. If the scabs on the body of a child too much, they take off, after brushing their abundant mineral oil (or grease, which will recommend a doctor) and giving the opportunity to soak up the oil in a thick crust.
Child after the age of three years, suffering from exudative diathesis, it is advisable to take herbal teas and infusions made from herbs the following fees:
- Extract from the collection of grass: grass succession trehrazlelnoy - 1 part herb yarrow - Part 1, the rhizome with the roots of Elecampane - Part 1: 1 tbsp. collection spoon sugar and 1 cup water and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes, then infuse for half an hour, well wrapped, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon two or three times a day. Used in diathesis, at Children's eczema;
- Infusion of succession: Pour 2 tbsp. a succession of grass substrate 0.5 liters of boiling water. To insist, encased, 12 hours, drain. Infusion drink for diathesis 0.5 cup 3 times a day and apply for the bath;
Dandelion Tincture: 1 teaspoon of chopped dandelion roots pour 1 cup boiling water.Infuse for 1-2 hours, wrapped, then strain. Take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. It improves your metabolism in a child.
- Extract from the collection of herbs: flowers white dead-nettle - a piece of grass violet tricolor - a piece of grass succession tripartite - a piece of strawberry leaves Forest - Part 1:
1 of Art. spoon collection to put in a pre-warmed thermos, pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse for several hours. Strain and take the infusion of 1-2 tbsp. spoon two or three times a day;
- Extract from the collection of herbs: medicinal herbs veronica - 1 part herb violet tricolor - a piece of grass succession tripartite - Part 1: 2 tsp gathering place in a pre-warmed bowl, pour boiling water 1stakanom and infuse for 30 minutes, carefully wrapped , then strain. Take a warm infusion of three to four divided doses throughout the day;
- Lotions with oat infusion: take one part of oat straw, chop it and pour ten parts of boiling water, to insist, well wrapped, about half an hour, strain, make lotion to the affected skin, the duration of the procedure - 12-15 minutes.
In diathesis are very effective herbal baths. They have a restorative, calming and disinfectant action. The water temperature for the treatment bath should be 36-38 ° C, duration 15-20 minutes.
Bath can be used
Oak bark
Calamus root and greens
Fresh or dried leaves of the walnut
The dried chamomile blossoms
Series of
Starch Bath: 0.5-1 kg of starch previously dissolved in cold water and pour into the prepared bath. Baths may be taken every other day for 1 month.
Категория: Exudative diathesis. | Добавил: belka87 (18.04.2012)
Просмотров: 2218 | Теги: exudative diathesis child, childhood diseases exudative diathe, exudative diathesis sy, exudative diathesis children, exudative diathesis treatment | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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