Recipes of traditional medicine.


Главная » Статьи » Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. » Osteomyelitis.

Most often occurs when the deep wounds of gunshot wounds and injuries of joints (nails). Through the blood stream infection spreads directly into the bone and starts festering, bone tissue is destroyed.
Infection, they enter into the bone, multiply rapidly and spread over the cavity, destroying the bone marrow. After that begins the destruction of the denser layers of tissue, causing inflammation of surrounding tissues. In the small blood vessels of the bone formed blood clots that break the blood supply of nutrients. The bone slowly dies.
Symptoms: sharp cutting and aching pain in the affected bone, eventually formed redness and swelling, increased body temperature by 1-2 degrees.
Treatment of osteomyelitis: therapy directed at suppressing the pain and the elimination of infection and often require surgery, and removing part of the bone. All therapeutic measures for the elimination of osteomyelitis should be held only in the hospital. If the disease is detected in time, the prognosis for recovery is quite good. Be sure to use antibiotics that are used at least a month, and sometimes a half months.
Traditional treatment for osteomyelitis
- Boil in boiling water for a small amount of oat straw and attach it to the inflamed areas of the body;
- 30 pcs. chopped walnuts pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for two weeks in the sun.After that, apply a compress soaked in tincture of inflamed areas of the body (it should not be warming);
- Lubricate the aloe juice place redness and swelling;
- Pour a full quart of lilac buds and flowers, pour vodka, top to bottom. Insist mixture of ten days in a cool dark place, shaking on a regular basis. Take tincture to 40 drops before meals twice a day;
- Pour vodka or alcohol shell walnuts and nataivat two weeks. Strain and take one tablespoon three times daily before meals for twenty days. The treatment must be repeated if the disease recurs or does not back down.
Категория: Osteomyelitis. | Добавил: belka87 (05.04.2012)
Просмотров: 1284 | Теги: Osteomyelitis, lilac buds, walnut, aloe juice. | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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