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Iritis - is an inflammatory disease of the iris and ciliary body, whichmay develop on the background of toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis,rheumatism, syphilis, influenza, brucellosis, leptospirosis, gonorrhea, and various metabolic abnormalities and focal infections. The cause of the iritis can also be eye injury or surgery on the eyeball. |
Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane covering theback surface of the eyelids and front of the eyeball. When the disease eyeball is red, there are mucous or muco-purulent discharge, tearing, photophobia, hot flashes, cramps, and the presence of a foreign body ("sand") in the eye. Conjunctivitis is very contagious. |
Health advice is available nationwide and elementary recipe fromcataracts. |
Some people do not face such an unpleasant disease, like barleycentury. |
At age deterioration of vision, eye fatigue when we need to use thisrecipe: |