Recipes of traditional medicine.


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In most of the recommendations for weight loss there is a questionable piece of advice:"Do not eat after 18 hours!". Why and who is voiced? Most people do nothing about itdoes not know, just mindlessly, with a fanatical faith plays "recommendation."
The Council does not eat after 18.00 - meaningless. | Просмотров: 1196 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 24.04.2012

Goose fat - for our health
Goose fat has long been used to prevent and cure the common cold, pneumonia, skindiseases, and more recently in cosmetology.
Goose fat. | Просмотров: 3875 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 20.04.2012

Antioxidants - are compounds that protect cells (or more precisely the cell membrane)from the potentially harmful effects or reactions that can cause excessive oxidation in the body.
Antioxidants. | Просмотров: 1622 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 20.04.2012

British researchers have concluded that the best cure for a hangover honey. According to experts of the Royal Society of Chemistry, honey - it is not only sweet and a nicefoodstuff, it is also an excellent tool for the withdrawal of alcohol toxins from the body.Moreover, it acts as a minor, and at high doses of alcohol drunk.
Honey - a remedy for a hangover. | Просмотров: 1396 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 20.04.2012

The cause of toothache is usually tooth decay or gum inflammation. Anyway, because of the sensitivity of the teeth or inflammation that is caused by damage to the enamel, the nerve is exposed and becomes very sensitive. Tooth pain can not be ignored. It is a defense mechanism of the organism.
Toothache. | Просмотров: 1603 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 20.04.2012

Scientists have long studied and found that emotions can cause mildor severe disease. Emotions such as joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust, not only affect mood, but also accompanied byphysiological symptoms.
Emotions. | Просмотров: 1201 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 14.04.2012

By reducing the mental performance we recommend the infusionprepared as follows: 50 g of the roots of Eleutherococcus senticosuspour 0.5 liters of vodka.

Mental capacity. | Просмотров: 1011 | Добавил: belka87 | Дата: 14.04.2012

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