Recipes of traditional medicine.


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Dental nerves are close to the brain, a strong inflammatory process may affect it, so it is protected by reacting severe pain. But how to endure the toothache to hike to the doctor? After all, there are times when his turn, or when you are away. There are many popular recipes that can help alleviate a toothache.
Folk remedies to relieve a toothache:
- Infusion of horsetail for rinsing: 2 tablespoons of horsetail boiled water and infused for 2 hours. Helps with inflammation of gums and teeth;
- Oak bark for gargles: 100 g of oak bark for fifteen minutes to boil a liter of water, then add a bit of pepper and two tablespoons of vinegar.
- Infusion of wormwood to rinse: 2ve teaspoons tarragon sprigs of flowering for three hundred milliliters of water, boil for fifteen minutes;
- Three-colored violet: 1 tbsp. spoonful of violets in a glass of water - boil for fifteen minutes. Strain and rinse with dental pain;
- Rinse for children with gingivitis, two teaspoons of blueberries, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours.
Lotions to relieve dental pain:
- Very good for a toothache chew the leaves of valerian, a slice of beet or sorrel;
- Lotion of cloves of garlic on the gums near the patient's tooth;
- From the patient's teeth can be put into the ear piece of plantain root - it will reduce pain;
- If you had the nerve was exposed and the seal, you can reduce the pain with the ash from the pumpkin stem;
- Between the cheek and gum can put a piece of bacon (previously scraped salt, if it is salty), and after fifteen minutes the pain should recede.
Use these recipes will only relieve pain. For dental treatment should contact a physician.
Категория: Toothache. | Добавил: belka87 (20.04.2012)
Просмотров: 1604 | Теги: Violet, toothache, Plantago, Artemisia, garlic | Рейтинг: 4.5/2
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