It'sdrugs fromplants such asmountain arnica,a blood-redhawthorn, rosemary andlemon balm.Note thatby themselves theyare not a panaceaand can notserve as the maindrugthat cantreatmyocarditis,but helpstabilizethe heart andcreate favorable conditions forrecovery.
A.The infusionof arnicamountain.Infuse2 tbsparnicain 300 mlof boiling waterfor an hour.Strain.Take 1tbspthree timesdaily after meals, drinkingmilk.
Two.Infusion ofblood-redhawthorn.In onecup boiling water2 tablespoonsinsisthawthornberriesdryfor two hoursin a thermos.Then strain,wringberries.Take3-4 timesdaily before mealsfor 1-2tablespoons.
Three.Herbalinfusion ofwhite wine.20 g ofdried leavesof lemon balm, 60g of driedrosemary leavescrushedand pour1 literof dry whitewine.Infusein a cooldark placefor three weeks, occasionally shaking thecontents.Take 2tablespoonstwice daily, morning and eveningbefore meals.