An alternative tonitroglycerinpreparationsmay serve ashawthorn.Herbalmedicinecandoto prevent theattacks,if peopleat risk ofheart diseasebegin totake themas a prophylactic measure. Hawthorn, takenin the form oftinctures,and infusionsnapargivesa very good effectin the preventionofacute heart attacksand allows thepatientto a great ageto feelfresh andlive fullactive lives. It can becombined withmotherwortandother herbsandextractsto enhance flavorandto improve thecontent ofvitaminC to theberriesof hawthornberriesis recommended toadd thehips. The infusion ofhawthornberriesis preparedas follows:fillseven fulltablespoons ofhawthornberriessevencups ofboiling water,wrapwelland infuse20-24hours.After that,strainthe infusion,wring out andstore thefruitextractin the refrigerator.Take1 cupthree times dailywith meals.Prolongedcourse of treatment.