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Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).
Myocarditis - inflammation of the myocardium (heart muscle), which has an infectious (bacterial or viral), an infectious-toxic, allergic origin.
By the appearance of myocarditis can cause diseases such as sepsis, rheumatic fever, diphtheria, typhus, an acute reaction to the introduction of foreign proteins in the vaccination, blood transfusion, the introduction of serum, the reaction to receiving sulfonamides.
Suspected myocarditis may be complaints of patients in the congestive cough, edema, shortness of breath, increased heart rate when it is weak and the fullness of the arrhythmia. With the defeat of a small area of ​​infarction observed tachycardia and atrial fibrillation.
Also, there is a strong up to the onset of hypotension, collapse, when a sharp drop of arterial and venous pressure.
Unlike stenokardicheskie pain pain in the heart in myocarditis, especially rheumatoid, have a long, constant, dull in nature and arise from time to time, especially during physical exertion.Rheumatic myocarditis is rarely accompanied by cardiovascular collapse, often only occurs in violation of the conduction and rhythm.
Acute myocarditis should be treated only under the supervision of specialists in a hospital. Herbal medicine can not be used as the primary method of treatment and has an auxiliary character.
Категория: Diseases of the heart and circulatory system. | Добавил: belka87 (22.02.2012)
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