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The pain can not be tolerated!
If you do not pay attention to these signals, they can gradually increase and occur over a longer time, even if the source of the pain completely or partially eliminated. In this case, the pain tends to come back. Therefore, the pain can not be tolerated!
This is the case of pain, which appears in any body in any part of the body, whether it's heart, stomach, waist, etc. First, of course, decide the cause of pain. Very often, this may be the usual spasm of blood vessels or smooth muscle. In this case, the elimination of spasm - that is all that is required for the disappearance of pain. But the pain in any organ distant from the heart may provoke the emergence of an attack of angina. For relief of pain may be useful herbs and herbal teas.
Charges to take herbs is preferable, because a properly selected components complement each other's therapeutic effect and at the same time, taken in amounts that do not produce toxic effects on the body.
For the prevention and reduction of pain in heart failure can take this infusion of 2 tsp collection of 5 parts of hawthorn flowers blood-red, 3 parts grass Knotweed, two-piece herb horsetail pour one cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink throughout the day in divided doses.
Категория: Diseases of the heart and circulatory system. | Добавил: belka87 (22.02.2012)
Просмотров: 1456 | Теги: Pain, herbal teas, herbs, The pain can not be tolerated | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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